Speaking from my own experience, success comes down to 3 key areas in particular.

  1. MINDSET… Being open minded to a new opportunity in your life
  2. ACTION… Taking action toward your desired success
  3. LEVERAGE… Leveraging the knowledge, experience and value of others

Let’s just expand on them a little further...


I believe, your mind is more than just your brain!. There we go, straight away I am making you think and I encourage you to think beyond any rational reaction. Choosing to live your life with a mind that is open to new possibilities is going to create a new level of growth and success in your life.


Your action is a by-product of the way you think. Therefore, by allowing new possibilities to come into your life, you will be introduced to a new way of thinking and taking action. Action in areas that are more aligned with your desired success.


You have life experience, therefore, you have value to help me and other people in our lives. The people we admire and possibly ‘look up to’ (that’s a whole other topic), have their life experience and many choose to share it. We can leverage their value to help us ‘win at the game of life’.

Martin has a unique way of communicating, he brings so much authenticity to his approach, the content he creates, and the way he lives his life. He inspires people to lift themselves up and see that anything is possible with the right tools, mindset, and focus. Thank you, Martin, for the tremendous value you bring to our community.

- Adam Matthews, Marketing & Sales Coach


The successful entrepreneurs of our time have given us clues and direction through books, videos and audios on how to create freedom. But many of us still choose to ignore what they share, so we struggle through life both financially and time wise.

In 2014 I started to become aware of the power of multiple streams of income, and then in 2017 I was introduced to affiliate marketing. Over the next two years I built my database and earned through multiple income streams, although I never felt like I had TRUE leverage.

However, the beginning of 2020 saw drastic change in the world we live in due to a global 'pandemic'. At the same time, positive shifts took place in my vision, my businesses and myself.

Today, not only do I leverage some powerful online tools that help me earn; they also connect me with some incredible minds from around the world, helping me build teams with driven people, enhance my mindset and impact the lives of those who desire more.

So, I have a question to ask you…

Would you rather earn by exerting 100% of your own efforts, costing you time and money... Or would you rather leverage 1% of the effort of 100 people?

Many people in society are choosing the first option—they are exchanging TIME FOR MONEY—whilst a small percentage of people understand how to create leverage and experience a life of ease in all areas, which is referred to as TRUE HEALTH.

Martin is an absolute living legend. From day one has openly helped me on my journey and continues to do so even to this very day! His presence is infectious and is constantly inspiring me to become more! Very Grateful to have met this man!

- Andrew Robson, Affiliate Marketer


It’s estimated that only 3% of people earn 97% of the money. So the odds of your kids growing up to earn a lot of that money is very slim because they aren’t being taught this information in school. And neither were you.

Just like I was, there is a good chance that you were told you have to 'go to work to earn money.' Well, that’s actually a lie because we have to provide a service to earn money, not simply show up.

Today, I earn money whilst I sleep, through my services. I am not saying this to impress you. I say this to impress upon you that you can achieve the same. This is exactly what I am going to teach you to do.

Let’s have a look at the 3 INCOME EARNING STRATEGIES...

M1 - This strategy is used by approx. 96% of the population… That’s approx. 96 out of every 100 people using this strategy and ‘it doesn’t work’!... It’s called ‘trading time for money’. 

Working a J.O.B (Just Over Broke) from 9am-5pm, teaching you to save for a rainy day… Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to get… a rainy day!

Many people who choose to live by this earning strategy never really get ahead. They never get the things they TRULY want such as the time freedom, family freedom, the car they dreamed of, the house they dreamed of or the holiday they dreamed of. They live their life looking at price tags over the product they actually desire. When the ‘M1 Earning Strategy’ is used, there will never be enough time to get ahead financially.

Also, if you’re wondering what ‘J.O.B’ stands for… Just Over Broke!! 

So what’s a better strategy than ‘M1’?…

M2 - This strategy is used by approx. 3% of the population… That’s approx. 3 out of every 100 people using this strategy… Which is investing money to earn money. 

Sometimes people who are good at this strategy can earn a lot of money. However, some aren’t very good at it and struggle to earn anything.

So what’s a better strategy than ‘M2’?…

M3 - This strategy is used by approx. 1% of the population… That’s approx. 1 out of every 100 people using this strategy to earn with ease... The strategy is Multiple Sources of Income (MSI’s).

These people multiply their time by setting up multiple sources of income

You may not know how to achieve this, although up until this point there have been many things in your life that you didn’t know how to achieve, such as walking, cooking, using a computer, understanding assets and liabilities, etc. However, each time you learn something you move onto the next thing to help you grow.

Maestro is the name I call Martin because of his ability to compose systems, teach skills & conduct our community to make beautiful music in our lives. Knowing Martin has enriched my life in so many ways. First & foremost, I consider myself blessed to know him as a wonderful, kind & caring friend, secondly, I am truly grateful to have him as a business partner who is encouraging & supportive, who raises the bar just enough to stretch me into the next level & who is a master communicator with the ability to convey information in such a way that is understood by all. Lastly, as a leader, ‘The Maestro’ brings us all together to reach far greater heights than we even could alone, playing our individual strengths, just like conducting an orchestra to create harmony, strength, cohesion & something that impacts far wider than the musicians in the orchestra.

- Lisa Bowen, Life & Business Coach


Technology is growing at an incredible rate and as much as some technology is taking human jobs, a lot of it is creating leverage for the people who choose to access it.

The meaning of leverage is… ‘to use (something) to maximum advantage.’ 

So, would you like to use something to maximize your advantage?

I heard him speak at Nexus and was struck with his enthusiasm and honesty....he spoke from the heart with practical and relevant advice. Martin is a born communicator… Let him in... Trust him… I do... He’ll help you make no mistake about that.

- Tom Reid, Retired Head Master

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