“I inspire people to trust and act on their desires so that they can impact the world."

- Martin W Ball


I’m not going to write this in the third person, so let’s get real…

Hi, I’m Martin W Ball.

As always, I am going to be totally transparent with you… 

I realised in my late teens that I wasn’t going to accept my life playing out the same as my parents’ and the generations before me - no disrespect to them.

I knew that I came here to create something that would impact many lives across the world, although what that would be, I didn’t know.

However, helping others achieve their desired success has always given me a deep inner fulfilment which has elevated my desire to positively impact more lives across the world.

In 2014 I got caught up in putting the happiness of others in front of my own, allowing people to abuse my open heart and take my available energy. This resulted in two mental breakdowns, being diagnosed as clinically depressed, highly medicated, with suicidal ideation and hospitalised for my own safety.

I lost everything—my fiancé, my dog, my job, my income, my house. But most of all, I had lost myself. I couldn’t see any point in being here. I felt worthless and of no value to anyone.


Listening to world-renowned mentors such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, Napoleon Hill, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor and many more, all started to raise my vibration.  

I also removed every person I was connected to on social media who was choosing to be ‘negative’. I had no time for it.

Thanks to the mentioned mentors, some key people I chose to surround myself with, and also because I chose to progress, it wasn’t long before I was picking up speed and rebuilding my life.

I didn’t bounce back to who I was… I bounced forward to the new version, the greater version. 

Two books I was told to read, and did, changed how I saw my life and the life I wanted to live - ‘Think & Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill and ‘Working With The Law’ by Raymond Holliwell.

To this day I do my best to live by the 13 principles and universal laws that are taught in these books and they’ve helped me to elevate my vision, my network, my wealth and the people I work with.

My vision is to help create a world where people wake up every day inspired, experience fulfilment, feel safe and are open to conscious collaboration in order to help each of us achieve our desired success.

So, I created a ‘conscious community’ called ‘Your Desired Success’ to help bring like-minded people together who have a desire to achieve more in their lives. Many people joined the community because of their alignment with my vision and the power of the vision in itself.

As a community, we needed a way to help all the members achieve their desired success… To be seen, heard and contribute their ‘genius’, helping us all make an impact. So, we decided to co-create the Your Desired Success Membership, which not only helps the members be seen, heard and contribute their ‘genius’, it also helps them personally grow through the other members sharing their ‘genius’, and the ability to earn an income online through the generous affiliate model.

A passionate speaker and motivated by the desire to use his own adversity to support and encourage those both near and far! Thank you for speaking your truth and sharing your message, Martin!

- Sam Howard, Mental Health Coach


You want to GET RICH QUICK

Let’s face it. We all want to experience financial wealth, but Bob Proctor says that over 95% of people aren’t prepared to do what it takes. And over 96% of people are doing it altogether wrong!

They want the easy ride, the straight line toward success.

NEWS FLASH! There is no straight line toward success. It is one hell of an adventure that creates a person who is ready to handle that financial wealth. 

“You must first become in order to receive.” - Martin W Ball

I can show you exactly how to earn the money you desire, giving you a clear and concise plan to do it, and even a time frame to accomplish it, if you desire one.

However, I only work with people who are prepared to show up each day and do the work needed in order to get the financial rewards for the value they have provided.

So, when you are ready to see past the short-term success, then we will build a solid relationship which rewards you in multiple streams of income to allow you to live the life you desire.


You don’t want to PERSONALLY GROW

I was never a big reader. In fact, up until 2013 I hadn’t read a book since I left school, which was 17 years!

But the mentors I started listening to spoke about books—how learning from the life experiences, the minds and the advice of others would save me time in achieving my goals. 

I realised that my income was a by-product of the value I provided—the more value I provided, the more I was able to earn.  

This meant, if I wanted to earn more, I had to learn more, and then act on what I had learned in order to experience more.

My personal growth is something I work on daily, and I will give you access to the tools I use to help you grow.

So, when you are ready to open your mind to new information, a simpler way to achieve through your own personal growth, then let’s build a solid foundation that allows you to grow taller than you’ve ever stood.


You aren’t prepared to COMMIT TO YOUR VISION

Pre-2014 I never really had a clear vision. There were things that I thought I wanted for my life, things I felt might be nice to achieve.

However, the past 5 years I have been laser focused on my vision and it hasn’t changed. Every day I have woken up, stepped into my vision and committed to the tasks I’ve needed to carry out.

I only work with people who are committed to their visions… If you don’t have a vision, I can help you connect to it.

People who aren’t committed are only ever looking for the easiest way, which means they aren’t invested in themselves, their growth or the value they bring to the world.

So, when you are ready to commit to your vision and be persistent along your adventure, then let’s start that adventure together.


Working with Martin has been an incredible opportunity and has helped me to grow my business and help many others do so as well. I am very grateful for Martin’s training and his support. I would recommend anybody who is looking to change their lives work with Martin, he will give you the information and support you need to live the life you want to live forever.

- Angela Carbone, Entrepreneur


Well, if you’re a firm “YES” to showing up, growing personally and committing fully to your vision, then we are a great fit.

At this point you’re EITHER ready to dive into the pool and find your stride OR you want to dip your toe in. 

Whichever you are ready to do, I encourage you to at least take advantage of the FREE value I’m offering you, to find out if WE are meant to work together.   

Attend my Mastermind for FREE to experience a 'snippet' of the value provided. Come and allow yourself to feel into what is offered to you.

You will also be invited to join our Mastermind call with some brilliant minds from around the world...  

The Mastermind Principle, according to Napoleon Hill: 

'The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony... No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.'

Martin is professional, down to earth and very knowledgeable in helping people to find their true path in life. Martin has helped me to see where I want to move forward (which excites me to no end!) and I am incredibly grateful for his guidance and words of wisdom.

- Jennie Railton-Smith


I will give you access to incredible minds from across the world to help you grow wealth in all areas of your life.

I will show you a simple way to earn multiple streams of income, without the risk of burnout, by leveraging an online system that rewards you in numerous ways.   

I will mentor you along your adventure and share what I know from personal experience actually works.

I love the energy that Martin radiates. He is so passionate about what he does and the health and wellness of everyone around him. I know I will learn so much from him because he has so much value to give. He is genuinely looking to guide people into a better life of health and happiness. I'm excited for what the future holds. Thank you Martin for everything that you are doing and have already provided for people in the world.

- Rachel Ritchie, Network Marketer


Access the YDS community and membership today.

Access our Your Desired Success Facebook™ group for FREE today.

So, after reading through this page of my website, I’m sure you’d agree I’ve been transparent with you about the advantages of choosing to work with me, so that together we can improve our lives and the lives of others around the world.

Thank you for your time.

To your desired success,

Martin W Ball


"I’ve known Martin for a little while but he is the most genuine human being that is just wanting to help and watch people around him be the best they Can!. I Highly recommend this legend if you want to get better!. Here you are in the right place!"

- Chad Hayden Gray, Network Marketer

"Working and masterminding with Martin is a total game changer! His level of competence, integrity and authenticity are incredible and it’s an absolute pleasure to know him. While Martin has great knowledge in a lot of areas, his humbleness, willingness to share and desire to uplift people makes being with him an experience that enriches my life and that of many others. He is a person that I not only trust with my business but also value as a friend because his generous heart combined with a keen sense of practicality makes him a diamond amongst rocks. Working with Martin brings an element of fun into co-creating, brainstorming and masterminding with a firm focus to achieve the desired results and I am very grateful to have him as a team member, business partner and part of my personal inner circle. Looking forward to our next meeting to figure out what else is possible!"

- Antje Swart, Hypnotherapist & Holistic Health Coach

“Martin is so inspirational and so knowledgeable.”

- Alan Woods, Traditional Business Owner and Network Marketer

"I have had the pleasure of working, Masterminding and becoming a friend of Martin W. Ball. He is an absolute pleasure to collaborate with and his wisdom is way beyond his years. Martin is a courageous, kind and generous person and has a heart of community spirit that values every living thing. Martin lives his life with 100% commitment to what he values and desires. His professionalism is a joy to be around. He is a fantastic role model for all ages. Leading any team he works with, with absolute passion and gratitude. Plus 100% commitment to contribution!. I am grateful to be on the journey of life with Martin."

- Kali Bolo, Spiritual Healer

"Martin is one of the most caring, inspirational and authentic people I've had the pleasure of working with. So happy our paths aligned."

- Carly Gilmour, Makeup Artist

"I have had the privilege of knowing Martin for over 4 years and in this time, I have witnessed his amazing growth, which he has generously shared with us through his Facebook posts. What I love the most is that he allows us to see not only the good times but the not so good

times. He is very authentic and passionate about guiding others to becoming their best selves. When I needed someone to assist with my youngest daughter Martin was there and whilst it was only one interaction it changed her life for the better. This is the positive influence he has on people. In November 2020 I found myself feeling lost and all I knew was that I needed to do some personal development to pull myself out of this state. Traditionally I have worked on my own to get through things but this time I reached out to Martin. His ability to really listen to what I was say made me feel heard, that was really refreshing. His honesty helped me make the right decision for the direction I needed to take, and I am happy to say that I have had more growth in the last 6 months than I have ever had. I am doing things I never thought I would be doing, and it is all thanks to this beautiful human being that believed in me and encouraged me. Thank you, Martin, from the bottom of my heart."

- Dianne Ridley, Health Coach

"I first met Martin at a networking breakfast several years ago and was immediately impressed by his zest for life and infectious enthusiasm. At the time he was hosting outdoor training sessions in one of our local parks. My wife and I attended two or three times a week and always had fun, despite being gently cajoled into pushing ourselves beyond our perceived limits! Martin has become a good friend over the years and as he has evolved and worked through different business ideas, this theme has been a recurring constant. Whatever he undertakes, Martin commits to it with heart and soul. As an experienced manager, leader and coach myself, Martin engaged my services when he was transitioning from one career choice to another, and I told him back then that I was always impressed by his open mind, positive attitude and capacity to follow through and take action. One of the key things that you’ll notice about Martin is that he always cares about people and is very empathetic and insightful. I would also describe Martin as a visionary with a grand design for the greater good of humanity, and whose leadership skills, trust in people and genuine concern for them, enables them to believe in themselves, so that they too can stretch and grow beyond their current paradigms – and that is an awesome attribute to possess. I have no doubt that he will be successful at whatever project in which he immerses himself."

- Tony Inman, Life & Business Coach

“Tons of great tips, really knowledgeable and took the time to explain everything and much more.”

- Rafal Z Widejko, Network Marketer

‘I have followed Martin via facebook for many years and admire his natural desire to help others in a genuine kind hearted way...I would recommend him 100% as a person of high integrity!”

- Neil Gore, Network Marketer

… and many more.

Experience the value for yourself, join me...

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