Watch the video below to learn from the greats about the true power of a Mastermind.


Masterminds have become a necessity for me to both attend and facilitate, as I strive to become better each day. 

I believe we must take ownership of our thoughts, communication and actions to succeed. Therefore, my focus is to inspire you and assist you to take responsibility for your desired success during my Masterminds as we cover a different to assist your own personal growth.

If you desire to be inspired and assisted in taking responsibility for your own desired success...

Enter your details below for a FREE PASS to experience my Mastermind

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“I’d like to give my heart warm thanks to Martin W Ball and the Mastermind group he has organised. One thing I always look at is the attitude in a person and Martin most certainly has a wonderfully positive attitude. Plus the quality of the presentation, knowledge and ideas that come from the professional group is outstanding. This is one of the most valuable businesses and productive groups I’ve ever been involved in.”

- Gary Dean-Atkins, CEO & Coach Mind Max Plus

'The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony… no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.' - Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill wrote many books, all supporting the journey of the “Master Mind”—The Law of Success, 1928; The Magic Ladder to Success, 1930; Think and Grow Rich, 1937; and Master Key to Riches, 1945.

These books have helped millions of people around the world to understand the key principles necessary to achieve success through the power of a mastermind.


Why is a Mastermind integral to your success?

Because you will:

- be empowered by the value each member brings

- be kept accountable by all members

- leverage the knowledge of each member

- be encouraged to share your value with the members

- experience infinite intelligence

- be able to promote yourself to a higher income

- share your desires

- commit to the Mastermind and the members

- share your vision

Would you like to join a Mastermind specifically designed to help you elevate your success whilst also supporting you in achieving your desires?

Access our ‘Your Desired Success’ International Mastermind community today…


Many of the most successful businesses in the world have been products of masterminds. A 'Business Insider' article once shared around these famous Mastermind Alliances:

  • Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard - Hewlett Packard 1939
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen - Microsoft 1975
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak - Apple 1976
  • Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield - Ben & Jerry’s 1978
  • Sergey Brin and Larry Page - Google 1998
  • Evan Williams and Biz Stone - Twitter 2006

… and many more.

Are you ready to leverage our International Mastermind community?… If so, click the button below.


Napoleon Hill alluded to many Masterminds 'failing,' although he never actually explained why they did.

So, how do you avoid being a part of a 'failing' Mastermind?

You MUST be willing to:

1. make a commitment to be present 

2. listen without judgement

3. celebrate without jealousy

4. give thoughtful feedback

5. share fully

6. give in order to receive

7. have skin in the game

8. share your vision

9. help others, not just yourself

10. show up as the best version of yourself

11. be active throughout the Mastermind

This list is KEY to your growth and success in a Mastermind as well as from a Mastermind.  

Even though a Mastermind is about all of the members, notice how the eleven points shared all start with YOU.

This is because each member is in control of the value she/he chooses to bring to the Mastermind. For you to receive the best value, you must be willing to bring your best value.

Are you ready to be a part of a Mastermind focused toward your success?… If so, click the button below.


The Your Desired Success Mastermind is built upon the principles shared by Napoleon Hill.

We are a group of people made up of conscious, aware and engaged people...

People who are entrepreneurs, corporate executives and driven employees who desire more for our lives. We commit to meeting each week in order to empower each other through thoughtful feedback without judgement. We share fully, choosing to be the best versions of ourselves in the time we are together. We have skin in the game to show our commitment to all members as well as to ourselves. We are dedicated to learning and actioning the key principles shared by Napoleon Hill from the many successful people he learned from, in order to achieve our desires.

Are you ready to experience the value of our International Mastermind community?… If so, click the button below.


Here are some very powerful quotes taken from Napoleon Hill’s books to help you understand the value of joining Your Desired Success Mastermind.

'No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand.'

'The process of mind blending here described as a “Master Mind” may be likened to the act of one who connects many electric batteries to a single transmission wire, thereby “stepping up” the power passing over that line by the amount of energy the batteries carry… Each mind, through the principle of mind chemistry, stimulates all the other minds in the group.'

'Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth.'

'Now here are some interesting facts about the mastermind which give you an idea of how important it is and how necessary that you embrace this principle and make use of it in attaining success in your chosen occupation. First of all, it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life. It is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.'

'No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.'

Leverage our International Mastermind community TODAY…

Hear what people who have attended have to say...

'Martin’s ability to create, host, and present the “Your Desired Success” Mastermind puts his Mastermind on your “Must attend” list. Not only is Martin inspirational, but he is also a fun guy to be with, and offers all participants all the tools they need to maximise personal, business, and income growth. Martin is one of the most positive people I know and is all about helping others be the best they can be. I’ve no doubt that he will continue to enhance his Mastermind presentations to provide the highest level of value for all who wish to grow with him in partnership as we build our relationships globally. Your Desired Success is his ultimate goal.' - Ricky Smith

'Martin has a true gift for holding us to our highest potential while allowing each of our journeys to be unique to us. More than anything else, Martin models high integrity and deep commitment in his own life, which inspires anyone in his vicinity to want to step further onto their own growth path.' - Nancy Ann Key

'I originally attended Martin’s Mastermind calls to gain information to help boost my business. What I have taken from these calls on a personal growth level is so much more. These calls bring together great minds where everyone gets an equal opportunity to contribute to the growth of others. With an abundance of expertise to share, Martin’s call is presented with a lot of thought in a structure that is visual, clear, logical and very effective. The topic of each call ensures that you come away with far more than you bargained for that will challenge you in a fun way and undoubtedly improve the way you act, think and operate. It is one of the highlights of my week! Come and Join us!' - Martina Woods

'I came on the masterminds because I wanted to be involved in an accountability group that would help me stay on track for not only my business growth but my personal growth as well. Martin’s presentation is very professional, fun, engaging and is filled with so much value and integrity. Martin has a growth mindset attitude and loves to receive feedback on how he can do things better and make improvements which helps everyone. The masterminds are a nonnegotiable for me each week and definitely filled with so much value and amazing community support.' - Carolyn Forster

Don’t just read what they say, come and experience the value for yourself…


Here are some very powerful quotes taken from Napoleon Hill’s books to help you understand the value of joining the ‘Your Desired Success Mastermind’.

“No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand.” 

“The process of mind blending here described as a “Master Mind” may be likened to the act of one who connects many electric batteries to a single transmission wire, thereby ‘stepping up’ the power passing over that line by the amount of energy the batteries carry…Each mind, through the principle of mind chemistry, stimulates all the other minds in the group.” 

“Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth.” 

“Now here are some interesting facts about the mastermind which give you an idea of how important it is and how necessary that you embrace this principle and make use of it in attaining success in your chosen occupation. First of all, it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life. It is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.” 

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”


The ‘Your Desired Success’ International Masterminds are for people all over the world to access. 

We discuss topics around personal growth, many related to powerful topics taught in ‘world best seller books’ such as, Think & Grow Rich, Working With The Law, The Science of Getting Rich, Rich Dad - Poor Dad, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People… Just to name a few. 

The Mastermind is structured to ensure you and all members receive a high level of value. The topic of discussion is for 60 minutes.  

Join our community and leverage our International Masterminds TODAY…

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