Let’s talk about the possibilities you have to create a whole new lifestyle for yourself and your family. Let’s step into a powerful state of imagination… And then top it off with reality… It is all waiting for you to say, "yes".

What if there was a way you could earn online via the power of leverage?... The definition of leverage is: To use (something) to maximum advantage… Your maximum advantage.

What if I was able to provide you with an online software giving you certainty toward your growth and earning potential?

What if there was variety within the online software, helping you in many areas of your life?

What if you were able to feel a sense of significance as to your growth and value from the software and in the community?

What if there was a place you could connect with like-minded people who want to help you achieve your desired success?

What if there were ways for you to personally grow through Masterminds and Masterclasses?

What if there was a way you could contribute, adding your value to help others achieve their desired success?

What if there was a way you could focus on what brings you joy, encouraging you to live your life as you desire each day?

AND… What if you could earn from every aspect of this, would you want to learn more?

Martin has been one of the most helpful people I have met in the online industry, the support and communication from Martin is just unreal! Recommend him MORE THAN 100% to anyone!

- Anthony Di Bella, Forex Trader and Network Marketer


We have two options, we either continue to work hard to earn a living or we work smarter to create a fortune.

One of my mentors, Jim Rohn, said… “Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living, but if you work hard on yourself you'll make a fortune.

How do you feel when you read that?... Maybe read it again and again. 

Only you can make a decision to improve your life. Only you can choose to partner with me and leverage the skills I have and the desire I have to help you. Only you can choose to click on the ‘Learn More’ button and take action today.

If you want integrity, strong leadership and a passion for what you do in life then take the time to learn from Martin Ball and see how not only your life is changed for the better but your business also. He is all about transparency, service, commitment, consistency and if you ever meet another person who has a better work ethic I would be really surprised. He has inspired me from day one with his caring attitude, his inspiring leadership, his amazing mentorship and his wonderful friendship.

- Carolyn Forster, Traditional Business Owner and Network Marketer


If you treated yourself to the information on the page, ‘YOUR SUCCESS’, you’ll now be familiar with the ‘M3 Income Earning Strategy’, a clear way to have more time in your day to do what you like whilst earning from multiple streams.

The M3 strategy is used by approx. 1% of the population… That’s approx. 1 out of every 100 people using this strategy to earn with ease... The strategy is Multiple Sources of Income (MSI’s). These people multiply their time by setting up multiple sources of income. 

Like most people, I thought earning one stream of income was ‘hard enough’. However, that was because I wasn’t ever introduced to the power of leverage. 

Now that I understand how to create and earn from multiple streams of income without taking me away from what I love to do and more of my time, it’s a ‘no brainer’. 

Thanks to the Your Desired Success Membership, I am able to leverage multiple aligned offerings within the Membership to help me earn… My only role, help people just like you connect to the value to help you achieve your desired success.

“Martin is the consummate professional. His knowledge is second to none and his willingness to help others to succeed is beyond amazing.”

- Sharon Tappenden, Network Marketer


In 2020, I created a community called ‘Your Desired Success’ to help bring like-minded people together who have a desire to achieve more in their lives and contribute to the success of others. As the community evolved, I stepped to one-side, allowing people to rise and share their value, creating new powerful collaborations. 

In 2022, we co-created the 'Your Desired Success Membership' to support us and others further, helping to make a greater impact around the world through the power of Masterminds, Masterclasses, Member Programs and Courses.

Here are some of the areas you’ll have access to, specifically designed to help you

achieve your desired success.


‘The Power of A Mastermind’... The ultimate tool to help you connect, communicate and grow:

  • Daily Masterminds on aligned topics
  • Connect with like minded people to communicate about specific topics and areas of life
  • Learn new perspectives from growth minded peers
  • Get feedback and brainstorming on your challenges and ideas
  • Build strong relationships with people you resonate with
  • Create your own Mastermind with members of the community


Connect with highly skilled leaders as they help you grow in specific areas.

  • Beginner’ Masterclasses to help you get started
  • ‘Elite’ Masterclasses for a higher level of success
  • Gain knowledge in new areas for your growth
  • Become aware of unconscious behaviours and limiting beliefs
  • Tools to support you now and as you evolve


Access videos strategically designed to help you move forward in life.

  • Learn from great mentors
  • Gain tools to help you win at the game of life
  • Grow emotionally and mentally, becoming a more positive, loving and considerate person
  • Increase your productivity to achieve more in your day
  • Tools to shift through unconscious and conscious limiting beliefs


The simplest and most effective way to create Multiple Streams of Income (MSI’s) while incorporating what you love to do.

  • Access the available MSI's
  • Get personalised landing pages for affiliated MSI's
  • Access to MSI specific Masterminds to learn more and contribute
  • Access to MSI specific Masterclasses to learn more and contribute
  • Opportunity to feature your own MSI for the community members to invest in


Help other people receive the value and grow, whilst being financially rewarded.

  • Specific and personalised landing pages to share with others
  • Leverage Masterminds & Masterclasses to add value
  • Access the 60% affiliate referral model to earn over 2 tiers
  • Share MSI opportunities with people without you needing to build and support them
  • Grow a team of like-minded people, supporting each other toward each of your desired success


Surround yourself with like-minded people, who want to help you achieve your desired success.

  • Leverage the knowledge and experience of others
  • A safe place to share your thoughts, feelings, desires and vision
  • Access the power of collaboration
  • Become a part of something bigger than yourself
  • A conscious community focused on living by the Golden Rule - ‘Do unto others and you would have done unto you’.

As you can tell from the information above, there is an abundance of value for you to access, all specifically designed to help you achieve your desired success. Yet, there is so much more value at your fingertips, come and experience it for yourself.

I have known Martin for a number of years and am always amazed at his authenticity and genuine willingness to help others make a difference in their lives. He has a wonderful positive mindset which he consistently shares around with no expectations or judgement. He brings out the best in people and I personally have found him to be positively inspirational and the perfect mentor. Martin is a professional on every level and I am incredibly grateful to know him.

- Karina McDonald, Traditional business Owner and Network Marketer

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